Busy City

[Verse 1]

You don’t even know the tears that have been shed for you

The air is full of worry

So, the breath that fills my stomach is a busy city 

And the taxi drivers are going 60 in a 30, and

Slumped over my shoulder is another stippled figure

I tried to dry his tears, but it was too blurry 

And the taxi drivers are going 60 in a 30



And I swear I saw geese singing Mac Demarco 

So, I’m hopin’ that insanity’s just a symptom of the sorrow 

Cause I’m seeing your face in my mother’s 

Whilst swimming in black oceans finding comfort in dull colors


[Verse 2]

And you don’t even know the prayers that have been prayed for you

The air full of hunger 

So, the breath that fills my lungs is an aging beauty

Wishing time made him younger

And sittin’ in my mouth, a hoarder's house

I’m spitting porcelain dolls for comfort

You don't the clutter I been sorting through 



You don’t know the tears that have been shed for you

The air is full of worry, going 60 in a 30



Maybe you really are the apocalypse son

Cause the damage you've dealt can't be undone

Baby you are my unanswered prayer 

I'm guess I’m meant to breathe in the busy city air



So, I'll get used to the feelings 

In my stomach and my lungs, 

I must love you 

At least you don’t know the crap we been through 

At least you don't the tears that have been shed for you


Alien Names


Maple Leaves